ultimist blog

Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Ultimist Files

The Ultimist Files are like a database of high-end audio brand and product data.

The Ultimist Files are like a Wikipedia for high-end audio.

The Ultimist Files are like the X-Files - a compendium of strange and wonderful things.

The Ultimist Files have a separate page for each brand, and a separate page for every single product for that brand.

Evvvverything you ever wanted to know about the brand or product is on their respective page.

You know, specifications, links to reviews, links to photos and manuals. Links to where they have been exhibited at conferences. And a whole forum - dedicated to covering questions about a single product or a single brand. Links to current classifieds and previous classifieds. Street prices and special deals.

There is lots more and we are going to add still more than that.

See? Evvvverything

We currently have 1500 brands and 1000 products in the Ultimist Files. We figure there are, all told,  2000 brands and 10000 products in the high-end audio universe.

We WILL get to adding the rest.

But all youse out there can help. ANY MEMBER can add a brand or product. You manufacturers, and dealers, and press and audiophiles - you can help. You are the ones who built the things, who played with and reviewed the things, who sell the things or, best yet, who own the things.

So, if you get the time, please feel free to add something to the Files. Or add or correct a specification in the Files.

After you add something, it automatically appears on the Shopper's buyer's guide page so everyone will be able to see it in the results as the search and filter everything looking for their bliss.


We think so!

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